Tuesday, November 30, 2010

expecto patronum

I'm sitting in bed right now and am far too awake. Would you like to know why? I will tell you.

I awoke this morning to a very dark room, which was an instant give away that it was a shitty, grey day out. For the first time in forever, I didn't have my cell phone sleeping right next to my head, so I wasn't sure of the time, but I could hear my roommates milling about in the kitchen so I figured it had to be about 9am--right before most of them were off to class.
I kind of laid in bed for another 10 or 15 minutes, just casually trying to get myself back to sleep since I don't have class until 7pm on Tuesdays. But after trying, I realized I wasn't tired at all. If anything, I felt overtired because my head was kind of heavy and my eyes hurt. SO, I made my way out of bed and over to my cell phone to take a peek at the time, which was...1:00!!
Well, well, well.
For a lot, I'm sure this isn't a big deal. It's not THAT late. But for me, especially in the dark-at-4:30 winter months, waking up at 1:00 is wasting your whole day. Not to mention it makes ya feel so shitty.
Yelling at myself (not literally) for sleeping in so late, I tried my best to get up and moving. But as I emerged from my room to find all my roommates watching afternoon game shows, my motivation to get up and go kind of died and I spent the next 3 hours watching people guess lyrics and make deals. Great accomplishment? Definitely not. I basically slept all day and now, unfortunately, will not be able to sleep tonight.

But don't worry, I'm not the world's biggest lazy bum. At 6:00 I finally got myself together and made my way to school for my 7pm night class. It was the worst walk in the rain, and halfway there my umbrella was blown completely inside out (people laughed) so I was soaked by the time I sat down in lecture. I sat for 2 hours and finally sweet talked my roommate into picking me up so we could head to the grocery store and stock up on appropriate Victorias Secret Fashion Show viewing snacks (celery, cheese, and party mix...?).
We then proceeded home to watch the show. I already blogged about it. Hiya.

Anyway, there you go, the story of my day.
I really wish I could sleep right now. I've started this new habit of watching Harry Potter in bed while simultaneously posting things to my blog and Tumblr. I'm becoming a bit of a blogging junky. I think it's because I'm even more attached to my computer than usual (if it's possible) these days because of all my school work.
It's definitely becoming one of my new favourite things to do during the day. I even shared my tumblr link on Facebook, which is something I'm not usually down to do...the whole promoting my self on FB thing, I mean. It makes me feel kind of awkward. But I kinda figure, whats the point of writing stuff on the interweb if you don't want people to read it. Right?

I'm going to make some Sleepy Time tea and settle in with The Prisoner of Azkaban...

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