For most of my life, this past year especially, I have been the victim of an overactive mind and a mouth that says too much. Which means I'm also a victim of that stupid feeling we all know as regret. I'm constantly saying and doing things that I wake up the next day smacking my head for.
And I know, I know, that we're not supposed to care, and we're supposed to speak our mind and yada yada yada. But, I think, there are some things that really don't need to be said. We reach certain points when certain things just don't matter enough, and when saying them-though you think its helping at the time-is a mistake in the long run. We reach a point when we've exhausted the heart-pour-outs and the emotional spiels, and we need to make peace with the fact that those things have become somewhat irrelevant and ineffective. As much as we may feel them, maybe saying them out loud- in certain cases- will just make everything a little worse. Maybe it's best to just smile, have a nice conversation about life, wish the person the best, and be on our way.

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