Monday, November 15, 2010

something beautiful, but so dysfunctional

The transition from autumn to winter is probably one of my most feared things.
I know a lot of people love winter with it's beeaauutiful snow and sparkly-ness, but when I think of winter all that comes to mind is frostbite, bad hair days, runny noses, and all in all just one very grumpy Sarah.
As with the end of summer, I try to deny the end of autumn for as long as I possibly can. When the temperatures begin to dip into the single digits around the beginning of November, I continue to wear my paper thin jean and leather jackets with absent minded regard to the aching chills I feel when walking outside. And when I awake to my car covered in a layer of frost, I quickly scrape it off to hide any evidence that winter is looming in on me, and drive with the window down to make myself feel better.
Basically, I go into denial.
This year's transition has been exceptionally terrible as it has come during my busiest time at school. My desire to attend classes has been compromised. Because I refuse to bring my winter coat and mittens out of the closet, my 10 minute walk to class is a shivering mess of zero fun that I try to avoid at all costs. The fact that walking to school makes me want to hop on the first plane to LA is not the greatest since I seem to have something due in a different class every day of my life.
And THEN, next to the icky cold, there is the darkness.
When I had an essay to write the other evening, I went for a nap at around 4:00 in expectations of awaking around 5:30 to get to work. However, when I awoke at 5:30 I was in a pitch black bedroom (yeah, fuck da time change) and so disoriented by the fact that it had suddenly become the middle of the night, that my motivation to work plummeted and I spent my night in front of the TV shouting things at Pat Sajak and Alex Trebek.

So, I guess what I am trying to get at here (with all my bitching and complaining) is, I am looking for a place to live in either California or Mexico. If someone could please contact me with any offers, I will be packed and ready to go within 24 hours of you doing so.
Thank you for your help.

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