I never have, and I never will. I don't look at it as a weakness..if anything I look at is as a strength. And I'm not trying to sound pessimistic by any means (perhaps borderline realistic), but I believe it to be a fact that there are few people out there who won't turn around on you one day and completely surprise you.
I've been through enough in my life --seen enough, experienced enough-- to know that trust is something that needs to be earned over time. It doesn't come at the drop of a hat, no matter how charming someone seems (believe me, I've learned this the hard way) or how believable they are (I'm being super negative I know haha, but stay with me here).
Due to...recent events, I stay more true to my beliefs than ever before. I've learned that everyone is capable of surprising you, even the people you thought you knew the most. I think there is something in the water this summer, because I've seen a lot of it these 4 hot, humid months. Maybe it's the heat..people get all stir crazy..but I've seen many things I would have never seen coming.
It's a terrible feeling putting your trust in someone and having it thrown back in your face. It's the reason I don't give my trust out like spare change. People are good liars. I, in particular, am not. So in a way I suppose I admire their acting skills, but thats about it. The way in which so many people are able to manipulate one another is astounding, really. I guess being born with a guilty conscience that weighs about twenty tonnes has sort of clouded my understanding of the whole lying and manipulation game.
Anyway, there's not really a point to this. Just needed a vent. I will leave you with my song list and a lovely picture of a lovely man.

sarah's songs of the day:
'golden years' david bowie
'glass' julian casablancas
'search and destroy' iggy pop
'from hank to hendrix' neil young
'mine' taylor swift
Quite eclectic, I know.
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